Support Groups
Follow our events on Facebook for location changes, cancellations, and other updates.
All in-person support groups are at the TGRCNM Drop-In Center unless otherwise communicated.
2nd & 4th Thursdays / 6:30 PM
The Black & Brown TGNBI peer support group is for transgender, non-binary, Two-Spirit, and/or intersex people who are African/Black, Indigenous/Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, Latinx, or multiracial/multiethnic (often grouped as “People of Color”); that share common experiences of marginalization due to racism and transphobia.
3rd Mondays / 7:00 PM
This peer support group is for any transgender, questioning, and/or gender nonconforming individual who is part of the DDWaiver/MiVia communities and wanting a safe space to meet others, share their experiences, and get support with their transitioning and/or embodying who they are.
➝ If interested, please email Max Liam Mitchell (They/He) at maxliammitchell@yahoo.com.
2nd Wednesdays / 6:00 PM
This group is an adult co-ed support group open to all transgender, gender nonconforming, questioning, agender, and gender-fluid people.
➝ Click here to register, and then click the ‘Ask to join group’ button.
2nd & 4th Mondays / 7:00 PM
This confidential peer support group is for Nonbinary folx of any age who identify outside of the gender binary.
2nd Thursdays / 6:00 PM & 4th Thursdays / 7:00 PM
This discussion-based, confidential peer-support group is for parents and family members of Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender-creative individuals of any age.
2nd Wednesdays / 7:00 PM
This group is for cisgender partners of transgender and gender nonconforming people to discuss issues related to their lives and experiences.
2nd & 4th Saturdays / 10:00 AM
This activity-based, confidential peer support group is for Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender-creative children 12 & under and their guardians or parents.
Every Tuesday / 7:00 PM
This group is for trans women and all gender-nonconforming people who identify with the female spectrum.
1st & 3rd Thursdays / 7:00 PM
This group is for transmasculine and all gender nonconforming people who identify with the masculine spectrum, ages 18 and up.
2nd & 4th Saturdays / 1:00 PM
This activity and discussion-based, confidential peer support group is for Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender Creative youth ages 13 to 20.