The Drop-In Center
A place to connect with services and people.
Health Care
We offer in-house free and confidential HIV testing and syringe exchange, and have mental health counselors and massage therapists who volunteer their services. We partner with community health care organizations to connect participants to primary care and maintain a provider directory of trans-friendly health care providers.
Basic Needs
Our Drop-In Center has a shower room, open donation closet, computer lab, and lending library. We stock a food pantry, provide lunch during drop in hours, and work with participants on access to fresh foods and SNAP benefits. Learn more about our Food Access efforts.
Case Management & Referrals
We have licensed social workers on staff to provide informal case management for youth and adults. We liaise with lawyers and legal professionals to assist with name and gender marker changes, and other legal issues. Reach out to us to request support.
Housing & Employment
We provide transitional housing through Casa Lola. Learn more
We also work with community partners to provide housing assistance to participants and are a partner in the distribution of government support programs.